Thursday, April 23, 2015


Hello bloggers,
As you know I am working on a big research project over music therapy. I have been looking up facts  like crazy I have learned lot's of new things. My research is taking me here and there and all over, there is so much you must learn before you can be a music therapist you have to do many years of school but it all worth it when you get to see that your bringing life out of somebody that used to be lifeless.
Also my project has took another turn I have recently been thinking about myself and How this may help me while I'm  doing this project. I have a lot of unsolved conflict in my pass and I hope me testing this on my self will help me solve them and close some of those open doors and  I have decided to make a song and present it to my peer's.
There will be ups and Downs and turns and let Downs durning this journey but I must complete it and get my results

1 comment:

  1. This sounds great, Cameron! I love how what you're learning about is causing you to go deeper into this topic and applying it to yourself.
